The idea of creating my own microbrewery was born several years ago, with the desire to make my own beers.
I started brewing trying to replicate existing recipes and check if I liked it all.
And I liked it, a lot even! I then tested different recipes in order to familiarize myself with the different kinds of malts, hops or yeasts.
Then, I moved on to the stage of creating my own recipes.
I also thank all the people, family, friends or colleagues, who had to taste all my more or less successful productions (no poisoning or poisoning to deplore!).
The Brasserie is born!
After long months of testing, I stopped on several recipes that I liked, corresponded to me, and whose manufacturing process I perfectly mastered.
The micro-brewery is finally born after long months of administrative procedures. I brewed a few months in my home, and in 2020 I responded to a call for projects from the association "Bretagne Vivante", which sought to recreate activity on the Bois Joubert site in Donges. I moved there in March 2021.
My production capacity is small, but it will allow me to continue to understand the profession and grow little by little.
Because as in the kitchen, we do not make food for 5 as for 157!
This great adventure allows me to develop my passion as I see fit, at my own pace. Creating a link of sharing and exchange with my customers is very important to me, that's why I find a lot on the markets of the region for example or directly at the brewery!

"quality ingredients,
from the organic and local sector"
My ambition is to produce beers with quality ingredients, so when I can, I prefer ingredients from the organic and local sector.
For me, it was obvious that I wanted to create the shortest and most environmentally friendly production and sales cycle possible. I collect my bottles for recycling, have my labels printed nearby, brew with Breton and organic malts and I am always looking for local hops that match my beers. In addition, the Bayorre spirulina I use comes from the south of France, Hyères, and is produced by my brother.
Projects & Partnerships
Association "Bretagne Vivante"
The Domaine de Bois-Joubert has been the property of the association since 1982.
It is a 55-hectare estate made up of buildings, farmland and marshes. Today two reserves coexist on the site as well as several associative and agricultural initiatives. LIKE FOR EXAMPLE??
Naturalistic follow-ups (bota, herpetho, ornitho…) and maintenance or control of invasive species are carried out regularly on the site. A stork platform installed on a meadow has been welcoming a couple for several years.
Since 2018, Bretagne Vivante, wishing to restore a dynamic to Bois Joubert, has been thinking about the development of a collective project integrating an agricultural component as well as "Third-Place" type activities. To help it build its project, Bretagne Vivante has benefited, via France Active Pays de La Loire and La Carène, from a Local Support System (DLA) led by the RSCOP3 design office.
Ultimately, the entire structure will be managed by a SCIC (cooperative society of collective interest) governed by the various actors involved (Bretagne Vivante, project leaders, users, communities and associative partners, employees). Its objective will be to animate the site and generate the resource necessary for its maintenance, respecting and promoting the environmental issues specific to this site.
source: https://www.bretagne-vivante.org/Agir-ensemble/Nos-reserves-naturelles/Bois-Joubert